About _____________________________________________ Professional Relationships

Sandbox Leadership, LLC
Greg Abell is a partner with Doug Nathan of Doug Nathan Coaching and Consulting in Sandbox Leadership, LLC. Sandbox Leadership is committed to supporting and nurturing learning and development for leaders. Challenges faced call for leaders committed to deep learning and more complex levels of cognitive, emotional, and spiritual development. Sandbox Leadership partners with you and your organization to build a culture of continuous learning in support of leadership development.
TAESE Center for Special Education Leadership and Conflict Engagement
Sound Options Group, LLC partners with TAESE (Technical Assistance for Excellence in Special Education) at Utah State University in the Center for Special Education Leadership and Conflict Engagement. The Center supports State Education Agencies and Local Education Agencies to implement systems and resources for building and sustaining leadership development and conflict engagement capacity in education. Services include consultation, assessment, system design, professional development, and coaching.

Greg Abell is a Senior Consultant to The Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education (CADRE). This OSEP funded resource provides technical assistance nationally on the implementation of ADR resources under the IDEA.